PICK-UP WAITING PERIOD: We are currently booking two weeks out for pick-ups, so please keep that in mind if you are filling out a pick-up request. Thank you!
They are an important source of our inventory. Furniture Drives can be undertaken by houses of worship, high school service clubs, corporate groups and others.
We only have one truck for both pick-ups and client deliveries.
Yes, we know that there are other organizations that pick up your furniture for free, but they are all SELLING your furniture in thrift shops at prices our clients cannot afford. We are the ONLY organization in Westchester that gives the furniture FREE to those who need it the most.
Our budget only allows us to make a certain number of pick-ups per week, and we have to make sure that each pick-up will yield a minimum number of the types of furniture items our clients need the most – we can’t send the truck out for just one end table or just one armchair. “Essential Items” are: bed sets, dining table/chair sets, sofas, upholstered chairs, dressers.
We only have one truck and must limit our travel range to maximize our collection routes.